Interactive Touch Project on the Pandemic


The objective of this project is to show how the pandemic has effected us in some way.  I decided to go to a lighter route in focusing on animals.


When everyone went into quarantine, there was a lot of sad people online on social media (phone). There were people sharing statistics and debating on TV. When taking breaks I would play video games (PC), which also involved death.

There was nothing really on TV or social media that was positive. Before there was different news, entertaining shows, people interacting, and funny videos. Now there was death and destruction.

But no matter what, I had pets who were happy no matter what was happening. On social media, people talked about how their pets were spoiled and how they get all attention. News reported that animal shelters were empty because people had time to adopt and train pets.

My idea is to make baby models of a phone, a TV, a computer, and a pet. The idea is that even though electronics are helping us stay connected and give us information; sometimes people need a break from all the death and destruction in the world. I found spending time with my pets comforting. People who live alone were super isolated, but having an animal companion makes it less lonely.

For the connection with the Makey Makey, I am planning on having different animated pieces of negative news and social media that arose with corona-virus. But how taking a break from all the statistics and news is also great and helpful.


In this video I made three animations and used electrical tape to connect the current. My idea is still the same from the previous drafts. I have a TV, computer, and a cell phone. When pressing on one, it shows some of the news I would see during quarantine. I have pets who push the bad news and sadness away. This is due to that pets in shelters needed homes, and people had time to train and take care of them when in their house. And also to thank pets for being there for humans who live by themselves or needed interaction. Having to social distance is hard for humans since we all are community animals, but just having a pet can make a huge difference.

Why I chose these animals

I chose a cat to meow at the horrible news because I have a Siamese and she loves to talk and get attention.  If anyone is sad or lonely, or even doing well, she will come and ask for attention.  She will block your view of the screen to make her the priority.  The cat is a symbol to focus on other news, not only the negative.   The dog is chosen since I have a dog at my house.  My dog loves company.  He follows us around the house and likes to sleep next to people.  He is a reminder that we can take a break and relax.  The guinea pigs are there because they are very communal animals.  I have two male guinea pigs at home and they are like humans in which community is everything and helps them feel more comfortable.  It is to show that even if people are lonely, there is still a community out there that is strong and will help each other.


23 Sep 2020


Artist & Designer